
News: Sugar production drops by 50 per cent due to crushing delay.. FCI expects to earn Rs 3,400 cr from wheat exports. Minimum export price of onion reduced to $800 per tonne.. Bt cotton attracting youngsters to farming in India: Survey.. Horticulture Mission leads to increase in vegetable production to 159.51 million tonnes in 2012-13.. Sugarcane growers to get incentive of Rs 150 per tonne.. Private equity firms invest about Rs 940 crore in agri-logistics and cold chain industry in past three years.. 50% subsidy to buy machineries from Tea Board..
Events: INDIA : AgriTalk India 2014 - Date: 12-15 March 2014 - Venue: Shashtri Maidan, Limda Chowk, Near Trikon Baug, Rajkot. Gujarat.. India International Seafood Show (IISS) - at Chennai Trade & Convention Centre from 10 to 12 Jan 2014.. Agrovision : 24 - 27 January 2014 - Reshim Bagh Ground - Nagpur, India.. Dairy Show : 01 - 03 February 2014 - HITEX Exhibition Centre Hyderabad, India.. The International Conference on Organic & Ecological Agriculture in Mountain Ecosystems March 5th- 8th, 2014, in Thimphu Bhutan.. India`s Largest Exhibition on Agriculture, Farm Machinery,Dairy, Poultry, Livestock Equipment & Agri Processing Technology 22-23-24 August 2014, BIEC, Bangalore INDIA.. National Agriculture fair cum exhibition Krishi Vasant 2014 - 9 - 13 February 2014, Venue: Central Institute of Cotton Research, National Highway No 7, Nagpur Wardha Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.. WORLD : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL,CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (BCES-2014) Jan. 21-22, 2013 PATONG BEACH, PHUKET (Thailand) Phuket, Thailand.. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES (FBMS-2014) Jan. 28-29, 2014 Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok, Thailand.. 2014 International Conference on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE 2014) Dubai, United Arab Emirates.. International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry 2014 (ICOAF 2014) Colombo, Sri Lanka.. Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2014, Venue: 16 - 18 January 2014 in Berlin.. Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture - 3rd to 5th Feb 2014, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (ARE).. Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2014 "Scaling Agriculture up for Food and Nutrition Security" - 16th to 18th Jan 2014, Berlin, Germany (DEU).. Seaveg2014: Families, Farms, Food -25th to 28th Feb 2014,Bangkok, Thailand (THA)..

You are Here :: How to grow :Cinnamon



YCD 1, PPI – 1, Nithyasree, Navasree, Konkan Tej, Sugandhini

Step By Step How to Grow
1) Soil and climate
Sandy or lateritic soils with high humus are suitable. This crop can be grown up to an altitude of 800 - 1000 m from Mean Sea Level receiving an annual rainfall of 150 to 250 cm.

2) Season
June – December is found to be optimum

3) Propagation:
Seeds / Semi hardwood cuttings

4) Nursery:
Seeds collected from selected mother trees are sown immediately in nursery beds in rows of 12 cm apart. July – August is the best season for sowing. From beds, seedlings are transplanted to polythene bags when they attain a height of 15 cm.

5) Planting
Take pits of 60 cm3 at 2 m x 2 m spacing. Fill the pits with top soil and FYM 10 kg. One year old seedlings or rooted cuttings are transplanted under partial shade.

6) Irrigation
Protective watering during summer is beneficial.

8) Manuring
Manures and fertilizers First year Annual increase Tenth year onwards
FYM - 2 kg 20 kg
N 20 g 20 g 200 g
P 18 g 18 g 180 g
K 25 g 25 g 250 g

8) Aftercultivation
Immediately after transplanting, the plants are provided with temporary shade by erecting a small pandal. Weeds are removed as and when necessary. Young trees are cut close to the ground to produce side shoots. This process is called "Coppicing". By stooling around the stumps, more side shoots are encouraged from the base of the trees.

Plant protection
Shoot borer
Shoot borer can be controlled by smearing the stem and branches with Carbaryl 50 WP @ 2 g/lit of water once in a month.

Coffee red borer
Coffee red borer can be controlled by trunk injection of Monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 1 ml/bore hole with a waiting period of 20 days to be allowed between application and harvest of the bark.

Leaf eating caterpillar, red ants and termites
Dust Methyl parathion 1.3%.


Leaf spot
Leaf spot can be controlled by spraying 1 % Bordeaux mixture or 0.25 % copper oxy chloride.

Harvest and Yield
The harvesting starts from 4th or 5th year after planting. The shoots are cut for the extraction of bark once in May and again in November. As soon as rain ceases, cutting of shoots for peeling of bark is commenced. After cutting, young shoots spring up from the stump which will be ready for removal in subsequent season within 18 months. The bark is peeled from the selected shoots of 18 to 24 months old, which are usually one metre long and 1 to 2 cm thick. Shoots ready for peeling are removed from the stumps and terminal ends of shoots are also removed. Peeling is done by knives after scraping off the outer bark. From leaves, Cinnamon oil can be extracted by steam distillation. Harvested produce is called as 'Quills'.

100 g of dried bark/bush

35 kg of leaf oil/ha/year
